Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Resolutions, shmezolutions...

I am the worst at New Year's resolutions. The literal worst. I some half-hearted statement about "this year is THE year". But, the year for what? And whatever it was is usually forgotten by the end of the first week. For me resolutions=magically attaining whatever I only sort of want.

This year, I threw out the idea of a resolution. This year, I have GOALS. Goals have a start point, a list of steps, and an end result. There's no magic in that. Only hard work and determination. I don't feel like halfway doing things in my life anymore. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to DO it.

Here are my list of goals and a few of the steps I'm going to take to reach them.

  • Better Self Care
    • I'm going to stop feeding myself junk food. My body is a dang temple that deserves healthy food.
    • I'm going to push myself physically and then I'm going to rest when I need it.
    • I am going to set myself up for success with meals by buying healthy foods.
    • I am going to have days where I just veg and read, sometimes I need to just go inside my head and that's okay. It is NOT selfish.
    • I am going to practice affirmations.

  • Moving Up Ranks in My Thrive Business
    • I'm going to build new relationships.
    • I am going to help people improve their lives by taking control of their wellness
    • I am going to help my team in any way I can
    • I am reading books on Network Marketing

  • Move My Body
    • I am going to do some sort of physical activity every day. My preferred mode is yoga but if it ends up a dance party in the kitchen while I cook dinner, I'm going to be happy for the movement.
    • I am going to hit 10k steps 4x a week. I have a feeling I'll be doing lots of laps around the house! HA!

  • Keep Up with My Bujo
    • Oh my gosh, this one is easy because I love doing it. Checking off color coded boxes just makes my heart happy. 
    • I will set up my day the night before so that I know what is coming up and what needs to be done. I'm thinking that this will make more effective use of my time.

  • Knit More!
    • I have so many knitting projects that I want to make this year. My plan is to finish at least one a month!
Do you make resolutions or goals? Do you keep them? Do you have a plan? Share with me in the comments!


  1. You've got some amazing and inspiring goals! I usually make goals, also, and it definitely helps me to follow through.

  2. Thank you! I'm really enjoying 2016! It's a good year!
