Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Bullet Journaling, the Cutest To-Do Lists!

I am a horrific procrastinator. I will wait until the very last minute to do most anything. It drives me crazy that I do this so I'm trying to put some better habits in place going into 2016 because I'm tired of being mad at myself. That's just plain crazy. 

Enter my partner in crime/chosen sister, Alisha... this girl has it together! She's got all these awesome planners and washi tape and stickers and and and. I bought a rather pricey planner, well I consider it pricey because it is currently collecting dust hanging out with old knitting patterns, random paperwork I feel I should keep, but probably don't need. Anyway, you get the picture. I'm NOT organized.

Alisha shared in a Facebook group we're in together about her bullet journal that was really helping her keep track of all of the things she needed to remember in a day. A to-do list? I can do a to-do list!! I actually LOVE crossing things off of a to-do list. It makes those tasks that you don't have physical evidence of doing, like making appointments or reading a blog post, feel like they now have a physical presence. And I'm much more likely to do something if I can see that it needs done.

I started with this cute notebook that Little C picked out for me at the craft store. I'm starting off REALLY simple. Just to-dos. I'm not much of a doodler so I am using the stencils I ordered from Amazon to make my pages look a little prettier than hand drawn pages.

I was at Target on Saturday and found a great deal on a Moleskine and some super cute marker pens. This will be my 2016 list bujo. Lists of books to read, recipes, yoga poses to work on, goal lists, and so forth. I'm really looking forward to not being a procrastinator any longer and really getting into my bujo-ing!
This will be my grand book of bujo lists. I can't wait to fill it!

I'm just getting started so I'm pinning things on Pinterest like crazy. Here's a link to my Pinterest page. I plan on adding more stuff as I learn more. I'm so excited to really get into it! Share your hits and misses with me!

*Note, I'm not affiliated with Amazon. I just linked to what I purchased.

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