Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Knitters: Busy Hands and Big Hearts

I've been a knitter for 4 years now. I love it. I can make beautiful things with sticks and strings. It helps when I have nervous energy or a heavy heart. If you see me out and about, there's a good chance I have a big ziploc with yarn and needles in it shoved down in my purse.

A while back I found the most supportive, fun knitting group on Facebook. People will do random giveaways of items they don't need so that their unused yarns and needles will not collect dust. It's truly beautiful. A couple of months ago, the admins decided to create an offshoot group for RAK's, or Random Acts of Kindness. A bunch of us joined, it's a lively group. Filled with requests for yarns that will be knit into hats and scarves and gloves for the needy. Some people are just starting out and don't have a lot of extra money to invest in needles and yarn. Some people are there because they're just darn good people who want to spread the love of good fibers and sturdy needles.

I'm a part of a local knitting group that meets twice a month. We encourage people who want to learn, to just show up. We'll lend the needles and yarn. I have lent out all of my spares and was worried about people who would be showing up and not have tools to work with so I asked in the RAK group if anyone had any spare needles that they didn't use anymore. I figured it was worth a shot.

I received a lovely message from a fellow knitter asking what size and how many sets of needles. I replied with the sizes and told her whatever she had to spare. She ordered 6 sets of knitting needles, brand new, from Amazon and had them shipped to me.

I emote. A lot. Anyone that knows me, knows this. I cried. I cried that someone not only donated to new knitters but bought brand new needles for them. This means we can gift at least half of them! I am so excited for our next knit and tea! I can't wait to hand a brand new knitter a set of needles and ball of yarn and say, these are for you. To keep.

So next time you see someone knitting, give 'em a hug or a high five or just a little nod. Because I'm pretty sure knitters have the busiest hands and the biggest hearts!

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